中概股集体诉讼中虚假陈述以及未履行信息披露义务的法律分析 -凯发首页官网登陆

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    日期:2020-04-06     作者:倪富华(国际投资委员会,上海市嘉华律师事务所)


我国在美国证券交易市场上的中概股不到200家。中概股即主要资产和收益在中国大陆的公司股票。这些公司从美国等国家证券市场上市,解决了融资问题,但是也产生了包括公司治理,信息披露,审计等各方面的很多衍生问题。最终这些问题引发了美国证券市场上针对中概股的集体诉讼。例如,马云和他的阿里巴巴首席执行官与首席财务官等由于在上市过程中没有做到妥善的信息披露,在美国被起诉,该证券集体诉讼在2019年10月16日和解结案(具体案件信息为christine asia co. v. jack yun ma, 2019 u.s. dist. lexis 179836,和解的结果是马云一方需要支付对方3,937,803.35美元(reimbursement of $3,937,803.35 of out-of-pocket expenses)费用,这也是一笔不小的赔偿费用,还不包括聘请律师等其他费用。这只是中概股在美国集体诉讼中的一般案件。在美国政府政策等因素的影响下,中概股在美国的集体诉讼会越来越多,本文据此就美国上市公司虚假陈述和未履行披露义务的认定作阐述和介绍。



在美国,作为律师同样需要做案例分析,但是与国内不同的是,案件分析是基于判例规则的抽象与对比。例如发生在美国的一个案件,一个人进入仓库进行盗窃,属于burglary in the second degree二级盗窃罪,律师要做的是找案例去归纳出哪些是burglary in second degree 二级盗窃罪)element(构成要件)。通过案例会发现a defendant is guilty of burglary in the second degree when he enters or remains in a structure without authority ,he has the intend to commit a felony or a theft, and the structure at issue satisfied the definition of a “building” under the statue当被告未经许可进入或停留在建筑物内时有实施重罪或盗窃的意图,他就犯有二级盗窃罪,所涉建筑物符合法律下“建筑物”的定义)。这时,还要找到类似能解释案件中“仓库”的案例,也就是比对案例里找到的“building” “建筑物”)的概念。如果能找到的只有“停车库”而不是“仓库”,有以下两种选择:要么继续找案例,找到类似能比对出的为止,要么类推或者找policy(立法政策)来证明观点。这跟我们国内法律检索的思路不同,我们的思路是不清楚的地方找法条,再不清楚的找司法解释。






§ 78j. manipulative and deceptive devices

it shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, by the use of any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce or of the mails, or of any facility of any national securities exchange—

(b) to use or employ, in connection with the purchase or sale of any security registered on a national securities exchange or any security not so registered, or any securities-based swap agreement[,] any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance in contravention of such rules and regulations as the commission may prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors.”

以上引自:15 u.s.c.s. § 78j (lexisnexis, lexis advance through public law 116-108, approved january 24, 2020, with gaps of public law 116-92 and public law 116-94) 



“§ 240.10b-5 employment of manipulative and deceptive devices.

it shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, by the use of any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce, or of the mails or of any facility of any national securities exchange,

(a)  to employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud,

(b)  to make any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, or

(c)  to engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person, in connection with the purchase or sale of any security.”

以上引自:17 c.f.r. § 240.10b-5 (lexis advance through the march 16, 2020 issue of the federal register with the exception of the amendment appearing at 85 fr 14794. title 3 is current through march 6, 2020)



通过判例,我们或许能对构成要件有所具体了解,以下会在构成要件部分进行详细阐述。这些判例包括:atsi communs., inc. v. shaar fund, ltd., 493 f.3d 87lentell v. merrill lynch & co., 396 f.3d 161等等。


(1) made misstatements or omissions of material fact(对重大事件进行不实陈述和省略)

(2) with scienter(存在明知或者故意)

(3) that the plaintiff's reliance was the proximate cause of its injury(原告信赖是导致损失的原因)



    1.made misstatements or omissions of material fact对重大事件进行不实陈述和省略

        misstatements 虚假陈述,构成要件是(1) false虚假 (2) material重大

        omissions 即有披露义务而未尽披露义务,同样需要material(重大性质的)


    (1)“there is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable person would consider [the allegedly misstated or omitted fact] important in deciding whether to buy or sell”the securities at issue. see azrielli v. cohen law offices, 21 f.3d 512, 518 (2d cir. 1994).


        (2)“when contingent or speculative future events are at issue, the materiality of those events depends on a balancing of both the indicated probability that the event will occur and the anticipated magnitude of the event in light of the totality of company activity.” see castellano v. young & rubicam, inc., 257 f.3d 171, 180 (2d cir. 2001).



2with scienter存在明知或者故意

需要说明的是,这个明知或者故意has no bright-line rules没有明确规定的标准),需要通过事实比较得出。该一标准可以从以下两点分析来窥知一二:

    (1)“by alleging facts to show that defendants had both motive and opportunity to commit fraud” eca & local 134 ibew joint pension trust of chicago v. jp morgan chase co., 553 f.3d 187, 198 (2d cir. 2009) 


    (2) “by alleging facts that constitute strong circumstantial evidence of conscious misbehavior or recklessness.” south cherry street, llc v. hennessee group llc, 573 f.3d 98, 108 (2d cir. 2009) 


这些强有力证据包括:(1) benefited in a concrete and personal way from the purported fraud; (2) engaged in deliberately illegal behavior; (3) knew facts or had access to information suggesting that their public statements were not accurate; or (4) failed to check the information they had a duty to monitor.



state with particularity facts giving rise to a strong inference” of the required state of mind.


引自:15 u.s.c.s. § 78u-4 (lexisnexis, lexis advance through public law 116-108, approved january 24, 2020, with gaps of public law 116-92 and public law 116-94)

       inc. v. makor issues & rights, ltd.案件中笔者找到了"strong inference"的判例解释:“determine whether the plaintiff has alleged facts that give rise to the requisite "strong inference" of scienter, a court must consider plausible, nonculpable explanations for the defendant's conduct, as well as inferences favoring the plaintiff. the inference that the defendant acted with scienter need not be irrefutable”(这个标准在于法官或者陪审团要比较“对被告有利的解释”以及“对原告有利的解释”,以确定是否能得出一个strong inference 有力推断,而且没有要求这个解释必须是无法反驳的。)

      3that the plaintiff's reliance was the proximate cause of its injury原告对被告行为的信赖是损失的原因


the existence of cause-in-fact on the ground that the market reacted negatively to a corrective disclosure of the fraud” see carpenters pension tr. fund of st. louis v. barclays plc, 750 f.3d 227, 232-33 (2d cir. 2014).


“that the loss was foreseeable and caused by the materialization of the risk concealed by the fraudulent statement.” see carpenters pension tr. fund of st. louis v. barclays plc, 750 f.3d 227, 232-33 (2d cir. 2014).



    4.exception例外: safe harbor for forward-looking statements预警陈述


“to avail themselves of safe harbor protection under the meaningful cautionary language prong, defendants must demonstrate that their cautionary language was not boilerplate and conveyed substantive information.” see slayton v. am. exp. co., 604 f.3d 758, 772 (2d cir. 2010).


“to determine whether cautionary language is meaningful, courts must first 'identify the allegedly undisclosed risk' and then 'read the allegedly fraudulent materials — including the cautionary language — to determine if a reasonable investor could have been misled into thinking that the risk that materialized and resulted in his loss did not actually exist.'” see in re delcath sys., inc. sec. litig., 36 f. supp. 3d 320, 333 (s.d.n.y. 2014) 


说明:cautionary language that did not expressly warn of or did not directly relate to the risk that brought about plaintiffs' loss is insufficient.” see gregory v. pronai therapeutics inc., 297 f. supp. 3d 372, 398 (s.d.n.y. 2018).


举例来说:某些投资人认为上市公司的如下陈述构成虚假陈述,公司说:“我们公司在未来将可能获得更高的收益”,投资人认为:“管理层应该能意识到公司不可能在未来获得更高的收益,因为公司的扩张支付了大量的利润”。根据safe harbor for forward-looking statements预警陈述标准分析:如果这个公司除了有以上陈述,在其他文件中也从宏观角度说“由于国际市场变动,我们的年收益会受到影响”,那么这种陈述就属于“格式文本”,因为这种陈述哪个公司都可以用,且根本没有传达任何实质性信息,也没有指明具体的风险,即没有指明该风险是针对上面的陈述。




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